Sunday, April 1, 2007

ipod, wha whamp wha whamp

IPODs can be a very instructive tool for classrooms. They are capable of massive storage of memory for on the go people. They are very easy to operate and also come in lots of different fun and neat styles. The new function on the iPOD for education is the iLife function. It is designed for learning in the classroom. It allows you to store and access all kinds of information including speeches, artwork, interviews, movies, etc.

iPODs have also decreased in price since they first came out so they are becoming a more affordable and accessible tool for everyone. It is also much easier to engage in one on one instruction with an iPOD. They allow teachers to do their jobs much more effectively by giving a more accurate interpretation of each students abilities and learning speeds. iPODs are here

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Just leaving you a comment about iPods. I also like the fact that theyare capable of massive storage of memory for on the go people. They are very also very easy to operate and also come in lots of different fun and neat styles.