Friday, February 2, 2007


My first couple of weeks blogging has been interesting. I have never blogged before so it is all new to me. I really do not use the computer a whole lot either so hopefully i can become more computer literate.

I think that blogging is fun and can be very useful for younger kids. It would teach them how to use the computer more effectively and open different opportunities for them. Blogging can also give kids more options in school other than just sitting in a desk listening. It allows interaction between kids and interaction between the kids and the teacher. It also can be accessed from any computer which allow kids who miss schoool or need information to obtain outside of class. Blogging does however allow kids to say anything that they want to which is one of the negative aspects of blogging. Overall bloging can be a useful tool in any classroom and can help kids to become more adjusted to the computer and all of the tools that come along with it.

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